Form 16 and Tax Statement Password
The PDF document containing your Form 16/ Tax statement is password protected. The password is your Permanent Account Number (PAN) followed by DDMM in your date of birth. For example if your PAN is ACKPK7777E and your date of birth is 22-Apr-1980, the password for your Tax statement shall be ACKPK7777E2204. Please note that the alphabets in your PAN should be in capital letters in the password.
In case you do not have PAN or if your PAN is not stored in our database, the password for the Tax statement is your employee ID followed by DDMM in your date of birth. For example, if your employee ID is 1234 and your date of birth is 22-Apr-1980, the password for your Form 16 shall be 12342204.
The password is created on the basis of your PAN and date of birth stored in our database. In case your PAN or date of birth is incorrectly recorded in our database, and you try entering the correct PAN and DDMM as password, the password would obviously not work. If your password does not work, please let us know of the same by sending an email to